Sunday, December 19, 2010

These Things Happen...

After several months of test driving this blog thing (or in the South, "thang") I decided to switch my blog title and descriptor around; especially since I blog about topics other than science.  “These things happen.”  Why do these things happen?  I don’t wonder any longer because my favorite movie cleared everything up for me. Thanks to Ethel Merman, Milton Berle, and Dorothy Provine in “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.”  Or “4M” for short. "We gotta have control over what happends to us!"


Rin_Ney said...

I approve. I still think you should plant some strategically placed birch trees in the back yard to form a "W".

Sponge-headed ScienceMan said...

I'll get right on that (come thaw).